Lets start with the Vice President of Campus Affairs: If you were an outside observers to SGA this year and had no prior knowledge to the workings of the body or the constitution, you would
probably be very confused at the responsibilities of some of the E-board members. If you observed the VP of Campus Affairs position you would think that this positions job was to organize the pep rally...and then take the rest of the semester off! Talk about someone how has dropped the ball this year, this person has slept walked the SGA session since October. Now not to take a personal shot a fine individual, but at some point you will have to understand the magnitude of your position, the responsibilities you owe to the student body and the fact that you are falling far short of what you should be.
Why do the very least with your elected position? You are supposed to be in charge of the SGA Unity Council? Where has progress been on that this year? We know that was a product of an earlier administration, but that does not mean you should ignore it completely and promote your own agenda instead! Its a bad example when E-board members are more involved in their outside commitments than SGA and it shows that the Senate can follow suite. You know what, if any SGA member feels too bored or too involved in other ventures; then do the college a favor and tender your resignation!!! Members of the SGA and ESPECIALLY the Executive Board are supposed to be committed to this organization and improving upon it daily. Instead of promoting outside causes (which I am sure are very worthwhile) you should focus on what the senate could be doing or discussing to improve the college and the community.
There is just too much promise in this body to let it go to waste. Each senator and board member has a responsibility to truly commit to the cause or leave so someone else can. The VP of C.A.'s responsibilities are outlined in the Constitution and that person does not need me to remind him. What I do hope is that he reads this as his wake-up call to accomplish something before graduation.
Take this as my suggestion box note. Prepare better for meetings, with detailed report
The blog is way too despressing. I wish I could report on all the good work done within the SGA this year, or the progress they have made on some substancial issues. But I can't! In a year with a generation defining presidential election, the politics of the Ithaca College SGA has grown stale and uninspiring. Maybe the new year will bring some new enthusiasm. Maybe meetings will go as long as they need to, instead of how long the chairperson wants it to. Maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe. I believe in change. Does anyone else? Be safe and be well. 1
I think the number of people on their laptops during meetings is disturbing. There is one person who is not a senator who is taking notes on a laptop, which is fine, but I am offended by senators who do homework or look at facebook during meetings.
ReplyDeleteThat really is problematic. Attendance is also a huge problem. Some senators miss meetings, while others are constantly late!! Show some committment. If you don't want to be there then just resign so we can find people who do... I think moving the meetings to a more open area might be the answer. In a public area with more people watching it would be harder for people to daze off or be preoccupied with other things. Who really knows though.
ReplyDeleteYOU ARE IN SGA...otherwise you wouldn't know this information.
ReplyDeleteWhat a hypocrite you are. SGA should find you and kick you out
Kick me out for what? Speaking my mind? What are we in Soviet Russia? Read the First Amendemnt for a second. SGA material and minutes are open to the public or at least they should be. All of this is availble on the website. Ha.
ReplyDeletehaha wow. as someone who has already graduated and sent this website, i find this so hilarious that you all care so much about this. hahaha you are all losers, including ICwatchdog and when pretends to be someone else posting as anonymous.
ReplyDeletehaha you are all losers and will amount to nothing. you're gonna be those gap-toothed bitches with 85 kids and nothing but rememberances of when you scored a touchdown in high school. hahahahahhahahaha
Wow... People that is all i can really say at this point. First Becky, if you are offended by this blog and not upset even the smallest amount, about the actions and procedures that led to its creation then i feel sorry for you. SGA has no authority to remove this person for airing the dirty laundry if anyone attended the meetings outside of members,(which is allowed) they would have noticed these issues as well. Essentially SGA has fallen into a pattern of groupthink and it has to be broken up somehow so maybe this blog creating the buzz that it has will be that catalyst. Lastly, to everyone who is commenting if you don't agree with what this person is saying try to be productive, offer a counter narrative. If you can not negate what "watchdog" is saying about SGA then demanding this person's removal from SGA or identity be shared is invalid and you have no leg to stand on. Now if this person is lying and spreading slander prove it, if not shut up and make the change needed!
ReplyDeleteKicked out? This author should be commended for creating a place where SGA's shortcomings can be openly and honestly discussed.
ReplyDeletejoey Fatone, The shortcomings can be discussed in senate meetings as well. Maybe if the Watchdog spoke up in senate meetings about these issues then an anonymous blog wouldn't be necessary.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they cant speak up because everyone is playing around too much. Or maybe because the fucking chairperson cuts everyone off before a REAL discussion could take place. "in the interest of time?"!!!