One little blog creating such a big stir. Who would have thunk it? And to think it is only break still... can you imagine what's going to happen once classes start up again? Anyway, for everyone who says that I am completely wrong, and that none of my points have merit, than why are E-board members sending out emails, agreeing with what I am saying? Or random IC students congratulating me on finally standing up and saying what everyone else on campus is thinking? Or even having E-board members take a chance and go off on their own feelings about the state of the SGA. This is not for the acclamation, but rather to get some dirt up in the air, and see where everything falls. I, along with countless others are sick and tired of the current state of affairs, with student government, and with student politics. Let's be completely honest; there has been more emotion and fire directed at this blog, then the entire semester at SGA. Think about that.
None of my comments are personal to any members, because on a personal level I respect
them all. But I do not agree and am not satisfied with the work they are doing. Its nothing new. Politicians are constantly being criticised in the public eye, whether in newspapers, TV, or YES even blogs. Deal with it. If they were doing a better job, then something that I am doing would not be necessary. But if I have to be the bad guy...then so be it.
I want to take a minute an address the issue of volunteering. Yes, I agree that almost every member of the SGA has agreed to volunteered his/her time to the organization, to do something (one position is paid). However, the term volunteer is not a get out of jail pass to do whatever you like, or do as little as you feel in your position. You were ELECTED! You have a duty that takes precedent over any feeling of volunteering. This also means that members are to be held ACCOUNTABLE! There is no free passes. If you do not want to be apart of this, then resign and let someone else do something we your post, it is as simple as that... I'm sorry to be so harsh, but 'Good-bye'.
I also want to take a moment and commend the E-board for a moment. They have spent the first half of the semester really trying to eliminate the lingering stigma that SGA and its members are elitists or pompous or some sort of synonym to that. The problem persists however with certain members and it further leads to this image. If members can not even admit to themselves that there are certain problems, and that the body is not doing enough to address campus issues, then it is only adding to the problem.
Finally, t
o all my haters! Thank you for the kind words, and the interest into my real name. It is really wonderful. I wish I could, but I'd rather wait a bit. I assure you I do my little part in the grand scheme of things, and it context it is not necessary to tell everyone who I am. "You can focus on the individual all you want, but the issues are always more important." HaHa. Be well and be safe. 1
P.S. : "Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair!" HAHAHAHAHA
There's nothing to think about!! The fire that has been aimed at this blog is BECAUSE YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT!!!!
ReplyDeleteTo the bitch above me- STFU! Get off this kids nuts. If you don't like what he rights then leave. I think he's motha-ducking right on most of this shit. So bounce...
ReplyDeleteFirst off let me say that some of these comments are getting a little out of hand...can we show a little bit of maturity please and cut out the name calling and swearing it makes you sound really unintelligent...
ReplyDeleteNow I think that there have been some really great things said in this blog and also some really not so on-point things...I commend you Mr. Watchdog for speaking your mind and laying out some of the problems that the IC students don't get to see first hand...
However, I do not think that the SGA, e-board or senators are to be blamed personally for everything and anything since they are the people who cared enough to be a part of the all starts with the student body...SGA should not have to work so hard to get the students of Ithaca College to care about the events that effect them. As a student you should want to know what goes on at your school and find out who does what.
How is the SGA supposed to get things done and be motivated if the very people that they are trying to voice opinions for do not even care enough to know who their senators are let alone the e-board.
I think if more students showed interest in actually changing things at IC SGA would not seem like a "chore" and more like a reward.
Take this opportunity to help students know that they have the power, the SGA can help if people want to be helped.
How big of a stir has this blog really created?
ReplyDeleteIt certainly has members of the SGA talking, thats for sure...
ReplyDeleteI ask everyone to at least be respectful with their comments. Criticism is fine, but no cursing, and no personal attacks.
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ReplyDeletehuh? are you kidding?!
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's definitely Mike Bender...he also posted it to his girlfriend's facebook page.
ReplyDeleteWrong, but nice try. Definitely not Mike Bender because this person has said some things that if you knew the kid personally you would know he would never say. And as for posting it on his girlfriend's wall, I checked it out and there's a comment that says "weird link my friend sent me" along with it.
ReplyDeleteI think we should stop the stalking of innocent people because obviously just calling them out is kind of lame people. They never did anything to you so just leave it alone. Let the watchdog guy do his thing and be anonymous but I wouldn't start targeting other senators.
I think SGA is going to have some personal issues this semester.
Just because these people weren't elected doesn't mean that they would go and write a blog to this extent. Stick to the facts people.
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ReplyDeleteOkay I am finally going to clear things up, I did not want to get involved in this blog and tried my hardest not to, but enough is enough. Mike is not the blogger, I would know because yes I am the girlfriend that you all think is posting anonymously. WRONG!
ReplyDeleteLike I said in my only other post I have nothing for respect for SGA but I do not appreciate my fellow senators attacking each other. Stop trying to argue who is the blogger it is getting out of hand. Their newest post says it all.
So again, mike is not the blogger (he doesn't even know how to blog) and I am not the annoying anonymous defender (because I have a little more pride and maturity than that).
Let this person speak their mind and be done with it. All this attacking is just going to make SGA hard to deal with this semester like that person said.
This is it I'm done with comments. Stop stalking us and blaming it on people when you don't even know it is them for sure.
Thanks. I appreciate it.