So let's get into the crystal ball and look what is coming for this semester:
1) the BUDGET!
Maybe the single most important issue of the year. Everywhere you here about the global financial crisis, and the recession, and now that has reached the doorstep of the SGA. Like many organizations we are facing a budget crisis, and are going to run out of money very quickly this year. The SGA was caught completely off-guard about this. While the rest of the country was dealing with financial turmoil, the VP of Budget and Finance and the rest of the e-board did not take precautionary measures to scale back the budget, or allocate less. In fact the SGA gave away money to groups that they shouldn't have a few times in the fall, further hurting the budget situation. BUT, that VP is now on study abroad and the SGA is forced to break in a new VP of B & F. I ask the question, can the new VP plug the holes up before SGA capsizes? And by that I think the student population would like to know the plans of the newbie as he takes the reigns in an organization with a tremendous budget shortfall. What will be his actions when an established student group comes to ask for a reasonably budget request and they are denied? Will students begin revolting, because the SGA cannot fund them anymore? All the while some organization had the benefit of receiving funds they were not entitled too. Especially, since this new VP was partly responsible for that in the first place. All I know is that the new VP will be on a short leash with his decisions as the student body president has already expressed interest in taking further control in this department anyway. But its the most important issue to look forward to in spring '09.
2) Communication
Speaking of our newly elected VP's, we also have one for Communication. Looking forward SGA must wonder how will he fare in his new position. The group elected an relative outsider to the group (in contrast to the other candidates) and I must ask, will this work out? Will he express an outside opinion, will he fall in line with the rest of the E-board, or possibly become a 'maverick' and do his own thing? His messages are already beginning to be received by the students, but will it continue, or could he be effectively silenced by the E-board if he gets too far out of line? 20 something pairs of eyes will be watching these new 'outsiders' constantly (or at least for the first few meetings).
3) Senate Discussions
Will the senate finally discuss something of importance?!?!?! No more chalking. No more ITS. At the first meeting, a senator NEEDS to make a motion to use discussion time for a SERIOUS ISSUE! It does not matter if it is not the most pressing matter at hand that day. It only matters that the body does something of merit with the valuable time they have together. It does not matter the way they do it, only that it is an open and honest discussion of relative importance, and a creative brainstorming session about what to do next.
Here is a list of possible issues that can be discussed at any time, in any capacity.
A) Rising tuition- It is the responsibility of the student government to discuss rising tuition, and a lack of increase in the overall student experience. I am going to have pay more next year than this year, and yet my student funds were cut lower, and my college life has dramatically suffered. To the average student...THAT AIN'T RIGHT! It would nice if SGA could devote some precious time to that issue.
B)Shuttle System - No progress since President Aaron Bloom graduated. It was a majority priority of the Reconstruction Team, and not a word since they graduated on progress. Come on already. This needs a specific committee and it needs to happen rapidly. The term shuttle system is starting to become on par with other terms such as: 'Chinese Democracy', 'Detox', World Peace and Pipe Dream.
C) Ne
w Administration - No united communication with President Rochon yet huh? Well nice to see he cares about SGA. Peggy Williams at least gave a state of the college address once a semester, but I am sure he's busy with other things. Maybe he hasn't give SGA the light of day, because the group has not given him any reason to do so. I am sure if the SGA did something controversial, say write a strong declaration for lower tuition, it would certainly get his attention. Until that time the senate will be forced to have third party communication with him through the SGA President. The senate needs to know however. They need to know is Rochon would like them to do anything (besides the stellar work so far) or do MORE in the eyes of the current administration. Does Rochon have a plan for SGA? Is he going to come in one day we massive changes for us to adopt? What about the state of our strategic plan (whatever that is) compared to IC's strat plan?

E) Support for Faculty and Staff - There were a series of email in the Ithacan last semester about a faculty being denied tenure and possibly for controversial reasons. Now I am not saying that we should have started a protest or anything like that. But would it have killed us to set aside some time for something like this. Instead of messing around, or getting ancy to leave early we should consider such issues, and whether the SGA has a formal opinion on any of it.
Any minuscule issue can be transformed into a serious discussion. A question about whether Public Safety unfairly targets students, especially minorities could be an all night affair, but we refuse to acknowledge it. Time for a change people. And the time comes directly after MLK Jr. Day. I am just saying... Be well and be safe. 1
now THIS is what I'm talking about...some ideas instead of whining. Nice progress. Keep it up.
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ReplyDeleteGo ahead let's not pay attention to ITS..cuz I mean without them we wouldn't have computers on campus or any technology. Real smart. Helping ITS is the kind of important stuff SGA should be doing since it directly effects students and the entire college community.
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ReplyDeleteNo I actually do not work for ITS, but I know people that do and I understand that it was a great honor to be asked to participate in. SGA is supposed to be student leaders, they are supposed to be in the know of things going on around campus. ITS is kind of important to know about since many students don't have knowledge about what they actually offer (which is a lot), and since apparently SGA discussed nothing why not have ITS come in so that people don't talk about their other clubs and activities that no-one cares about. If you don't understand that ITS is important than that's your own opinion but it's sort of ignorant.
ReplyDeleteBy the way you should have come up with a better alter ego name than a member of a deceased boy band from you childhood. You are ignorant and rude and stop using this blog to call people out or just be a jerk. I hope that the person writing this blog did not have the intention for it to cause ignorant people to comment or just hear themselves talk.
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ReplyDeletepreach watchdog
ReplyDeleteSGA couldnt get tuition lowered.
ReplyDelete"a strong declaration for lower tuition"
is the most we could do
the administration obviously knows students dont WANT tuition to go up
it seems to me that SGA can only make something change if the administration seems to like the idea, if not, then the administration will never let it happen
Well from your earlier comment how only 3% of students care how there internet is working, that is completely untrue and you should check your sources. Also it is clear that you are one of those people that does not understand what ITS does, APOGEE is the campus internet provider, ITS works with them but APOGEE is a separate entity. ITS provides tech support and training for the campus and for the most part rarely deals with the internet.
ReplyDeleteBeing a leader in general means listening to people when they ask for help, even if you don't get anything in return personally. ITS is trying to understand how they can better help students with technology problems and being asked to participate in the focus group fits the duty of a leader. They did not ask every student, they wanted opinions from select group of leaders on campus and if you don't get how that does not waste your time then so be it.
Just because Miss Beltaine did you personally give you something to take away from the focus group does not mean it is a waste of time. Does this mean that every club or organization that asks SGA for help in some way or form is wasting our time if we don't get anything out of it? No. That is a very selfish way to think about things. We are an organization that is the voice of the students and when we are asked to use that voice it is a duty and it can be rewarding.
Your analogy of the girl scout cookies was poor for the circumstances. And I do apologize for attacking your name it was rude. Try to be a little more open-minded though. I understand that to you the ITS thing was useless but it is not just about you personally it is about the campus community which we are a part of.
I enjoy this debate but try to think about what you say because attacking someone like Miss Beltaine, when she is a staff member that is trying to get information to help students, staff and faculty is uncalled for.
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ReplyDeleteGuys! From the looks of these comments it seems that many of us are senators. Please stop bashing each other. We need to work together to solve all of these issues and really concentrate our efforts on improving the SGA. If all of the U.S. senators were constantly bickering and being bitter about things when THEY HAVE THE POWER GIVEN TO THEM BY THEIR CONSTITUENTS to actually DO SOMETHING about it, it would drastically affect all Americans. We need to serve the student body and writing very opinionated blogs where things are drastically over exaggerated and falsified won't help. As a senator it is your DUTY to discuss issues you may have with the entire senate so we can open up discussion to everyone. Bottling them up inside and turning it into a blog REGARDLESS of whether or not what you say is true is mind boggling. Let's all work together and fix the issues we are having so the SGA doesn't self destruct!
ReplyDeletejoey fatone is willing to start fresh and do this right. Back streets back allright?
ReplyDeleteRegarding SGA's inability to get tutition lowered... They can at least try. You know they don't always have to roll over and take whatever the admin says. SGA and students have power too!! They can fight back. Organize, protest, come up with better solutions than raise tution in this economy. Think outside the boxes people!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading this blog and agree with most of the things IC Watchdog is writing, but I did want to take a moment out and give my side of the story - I have been a part of SGA since my freshman year at IC and really gave my all to my position and to SGA. I would like to throw some numbers out to show everyone the differences between the budget we were working with last year and the budget we were working with this year:
ReplyDeleteLast year, BOC did not receive any allocation - so off the bat we had $70,000 more in the account. Also, as departments had to scale back, our budget was cut another 12,000. As I do not believe this person was part of the budget committee, and maybe you were, but we worked from 8-11 or sometimes even 12 AM REGULARLY, scrutinizing EVERY budget, attempting to cut back as best they could.
While there may have been a few organizations that slipped through the cracks, I do apologize for that, and accept full responsibility. However, these things happen, and as informed as I was being on budget committee the year before as well as the former VP of Business & Finance's assistant, I do not know if somebody else wouldn't have made the same mistakes without any of the knowledge that I had.
I do, however, appreciate this blog, and hope that it will open everyone's eyes to the issues SGA has been facing this year. If nothing else, I appreciate that I had the opportunity to clear up a little bit about the budget issue. I will be keeping an eye on this blog, hoping that things start to shape up in the coming months and that the posts can be about progress rather than regression. Here's to hoping things get better in the spring semester!