Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Its silly. Do not worry about the WHO. Worry about the WHAT! I'm speaking serious stuff. Does it really matter who is saying it?


  1. maybe if you had some integrity you would identify yourself at an actual SGA meeting and voice your concerns rather than hide cowardly behind a computer screen.

  2. I think you should be embarrassed..honestly...

  3. How can you call this blogger a coward when you are blogging as "anonymous" as well? Also, there is no reason for this person to be embarrased. He/she is making some really good points, and should not be criticized for doing so.

  4. Embarrassed? Why would I ever be embarrassed? I am expressing my right to an opinion, a fundamental right in this country. I have more affect in this way than any other. You should really look at the posts before you critise again. Have I lied or embelleshed anything? No. And who cares who is saying it anyway? Whether its some random senator or ex-SGA member, or Cornell, or President Rochon. All that matters are the words. And who cares if I don't show my name? All you would do with my name is take personal shots at me, instead of critique the posts.

  5. I don't have a problem saying that you are a coward, and if you really cared about Ithaca College, you would take some initiative to make change instead of just pointing and whining. It doesn't matter WHAT you are posting if the HOW has no credibility. Stand by your words or they mean nothing. Stand up for your words or you get nowhere.

    Zack Ford '07
    IC Student Body President (06-07)

  6. And maybe the author of the blog should learn how to spell and sound like an intelligent human being. I have found so many typos it is ridiculous.

  7. and maybe you're afraid to post your name because you KNOW that some of what you are saying is absurd enough to garner that attention.

    Get a life.

  8. Go ahead. Can I hire you as my personal spell checker? Ha. Its a blog, not the NYTimes. Chill out. Cool beans though.

    As to Zach though. I am a little troubled at your comment. I really respected you as president, but your term was not without problems either. I am not bashing you, but if your e-board was able to establish a better transition procedure then the current e-board may not be in such turmoil. You should know all about the trouble in releasing your true identity. You don't think I want to say who I am but feel as it may cause a huge problem? Come on! Give me a little rope to do this thing before you call me a coward.

  9. Ah, so you don't mind causing problems for other people, just so long as you don't have to deal with any yourself. What is the "huge problem" you speak of? Why does an anonymous finger-pointer with no apparent credentials or sense of dignity need any rope?

    You can point blame wherever you like, but I'm proud of the work I did on Student Government, and if my successors choose to lead in different ways, that was and is totally their prerogative. It's not anyone's place to compare e-boards; it is up to current students to take an honest, proactive role in improving Ithaca College and defining standards for the current administration. Don't think I don't appreciate your intent in attempting to do just that.

    I am not writing comments here to pass judgment one way or the other on your feedback. I respect that you're speaking up, but you aren't honoring full disclosure. This blog, as it is, is all without a leg to stand on. You're not actually standing up for what you believe, you aren't developing new strategies, you aren't rallying support for change... you're just heckling from the sidelines. Are you really proud of that?

  10. yeah this guy is such an ass hole

  11. And becky your an ignorant tramp. Let the person speak.

  12. Zach? Didn't you graduate 2 years ago? WTF are you still doing poking your head in campus affairs? No one gave a shit what you said back then and we def don't now! Go stick your head up some other guys ass for awhile. This blogger may be wild but we don't need you to say shit! Peace n*gga!

  13. First off I completely agree with what this kid has been doing, and the fact that she or he refuses to post their name is their own prerogative. One of the greatest American politicians in history Benjamin Franklin only used aliases to write or critique the government (and no I am not equating what this person is doing to Ben Franklin or his efforts, just pointing out the validity in an alias).

    It is not this person's intention, Zach Ford, to come up with solutions, merely to exploit the flaws in order to stir a buzz amongst students to demand the change we were promised. From what I can gather this person is a member of the Ithaca College community, which gives them credentials enough to speak of issues on the Ithaca Colleges Campus! And you did attack them as well as judge them in your first post Zach, own up to it you're a grown man, it is fine though that is your personal opinion

    And for those of you who continue to bash this person for releasing information about the internal workings of SGA, this information is open for public knowledge or at least it is supposed to be... So don't be upset whether this person is speaking out against your organization.

    It is obvious this person is a member or works closely with SGA. Is it so wrong of you to demand that they reveal themselves. YESS!!! Do you not want to be the known as the whistle blower or be exiled from your peers and others you have to work with on a consistent basis? No you don't and this person has a right to voice their opinion, or do the bill of rights not apply to people who tell the harsh truth. Let's ask any reporter in history! This is simply what this person is doing an expose report, because other campus publications will not. To those in SGA and groaning and complaining, and to the campus media sources GROW UP, and put your personal feelings aside people. Then you can make the effective changes to HELP our campus, and this will all end!

    So what do I ask of this blogger? I think what you are doing is very commendable. You are stepping up to the plate and saying what everyone else is to scared or lazy to say, but none the less we are thinking it. However if you really want to effect change you need to work with other student leaders on campus and create the change you want to see! Venting these issues will only continue to create chaos and hostility between organizations and student leaders, so great job on airing these issues, now it's time to take the next step! Plus you don't have to stop being a watchdog, continue to watch and point out the errors it is the only way an organization can better themselves.

    Lastly, to the person who posted before and decided to attack Zach's sexuality and drop the N BOMB. You are an IDIOT and IGNORANT1 WHY ARE YOU attacking Zach for his sexuality grow up! Second for the N WORD, I REALLY HOPE YOU HAVE THE BALLS TO SAY THE SAME WORD TO MY FACE! That is completely inappropriate and whether you are Black, White Puerto Rican or Asian you don't use that word, no matter how you want to spell it! You have officially lost all respect! My Word is Bond!


  14. ryanne your "annoyomous" posts defending your boyfriend are very amusing

  15. You know what Mr. Fatone? I don't like your accusations considering you have no concrete evidence to support them at all. I have nothing but respect for SGA since I joined this semester. I have only made one comment and it was in no way defending or agreeing with this watchdog. This person is speaking their mind but I am starting to see that the chaos of finding out the identity is causing more harm than good. Besides I know that mike has better things to do with his time than sit and write a blog nor does he even know how to make a blog. Go ahead and accuse your fellow senators..that will make for a pleasant semester.
