"Why are you so paranoid? Don’t be so paranoid. Don’t be so... You worry 'bout the wrong things, The w
rong things..." haha. Just chill everyone.
The Watchdog is back ready to dispense with the truth. No more of this looking good for the general public garbage, if the SGA is going to improve at all then they must be completely honest with themselves and realize the faults of the Fall semester. Sure they have a nice new logo and website, and they threw on a couple of events. But the promises of last year and earlier this year are not being met. A new website is only as good as the amount of time updating it. Here's the link
http://www.ithaca.edu/sga/ and someone tell me how many months ago the site was updated? (Although I am sure when some E-board members read this, there will be some sort of update. Well that is the point is it not!) When was the last senator event that was put on or reported? This column will begin a series of E-board member spotlights. While the SGA has been unassertive in providing senator and E-board member spotlights in publications such as the Ithaca, I will do it for them, and I have no intention of providing a sugar coating (image be damned!)
Lets start with the
Vice President of Campus Affairs: If you were an outside observers to SGA this year and had no prior knowledge to the workings of the body or the constitution, you would
probably be very
confused at the responsibilities of some of the E-board members. If you observed the VP of Campus Affairs position you would think that this positions job was to organize the pep rally
...and then take the rest of the semester off! Talk about someone how has dropped the ball this year, this person has
slept walked the SGA session since October. Now not to take a personal shot a fine individual, but at some point you will have to understand the magnitude of your position, the responsibilities you owe to the student body and the fact that you are falling far short of what you should be.
Why do the very least with your elected position? You are supposed to be in charge of the SGA Unity Council? Where has progress been on that this year? We know that was a product of an earlier administration, but that does not mean you should ignore it completely and promote your own agenda instead! Its a bad example when E-board members are more involved in their outside commitments than SGA and it shows that the Senate can follow suite. You know what, if any SGA member feels too bored or too involved in other ventures; then do the college a favor and
tender your
resignation!!! Members of the SGA and
Executive Board are supposed to be committed to this organization and improving upon it daily. Instead of promoting outside causes
(which I am sure are very worthwhile) you should focus on what the senate could be doing or discussing to improve the college and the community.
There is just too much promise in this body to let it go to waste. Each senator and board member has a responsibility to truly commit to the cause or leave so someone else can. The VP of C.A.'s responsibilities are outlined in the Constitution and that person does not need me to remind him. What I do hope is that he reads this as his wake-up call to accomplish something before graduation.
Take this as my suggestion box note. Prepare better for meetings, with detailed report

s relating to your office, your meetings, your groups. Initiate something, anything. Leave your mark with something worthwhile. Utilize the Unity Council! It is not as if racism or sexism were defeated on this campus. The Unity Council could be a worthwhile weapon in the fight against biases and discrimination. This is your
wheelhouse, and the student body deserve your service. Become a watchdog yourself in the SGA. Make sure all of your colleagues are as focused as yourself. If not call them out. As an outsider I can only observe and recommend so much. It is up to the actual members to do the hard work.
The blog is way too
despressing. I wish I could report on all the good work done within the SGA this year, or the progress they have made on some substancial issues. But I can't! In a year with a generation defining presidential election, the politics of the
Ithaca College SGA has grown stale and uninspiring. Maybe the new year will bring some new enthusiasm. Maybe meetings will go as long as they need to, instead of how long the chairperson wants it to. Maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe. I believe in change. Does anyone else? Be safe and be well. 1