Monday, February 23, 2009

New Post(s?) coming this week

Trying to work out some devolopments in my brain. I also have outsourced my space to other writers hoping they bring a different perspective. Look out for it.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Filibuster or Just Incompetance?...

A filibuster is a form of obstruction in a legislature or other decision-making body. An attempt is made to infinitely extend debate upon a proposal in order to delay the progress or completely prevent a vote on the proposal taking place. It is used often in Congress and was of great importance during the last election cycle when the Democrats were going for the magic 60 senate number to get a filibuster proof number. Why is this relevant to our discussion on SGA? Well after the marathon session that was last week this term came to mind. Were members deliberately extending the discussion to frustrate the body, or were there actions done unconsciously and out of unknowningness? It is a legitimate concern.

I rallied for members to take more pride and action in senate discussions, but this call must not be confused for members to take with blind reasoning. There has to be a purpose behind what you say. Remember that this is a representative body, and that your thoughts, comments, and actions should support that belief. There is no need to talk or raise your card for the sake of doing so. It is much more important to have discussion go in a positive direction, instead of acting as a playback machine of past comments. You can not even say that this type of behavior is limited to the SGA's newest members, because it is painfully obvious that even some of the more experienced members have problems following discussion, or asking pertinent questions.

With all that being said, these issues we have been dealing with are internal in nature for the most part. We have not even discussed some major issues affecting the student body at large. The strat plan comm stuff is all about us. We need a strat plan comm that is all about THEM! What do students want SGA to talk about? I am sure they read the minutes and want to know why we got so heated over wording in a mission statement, and why can't they argue over tuition or parking or books? I think what we are doing is a nice first step. We are laying the brick work, so that SGA will be able to more efficiently operate and handle student issues. But that does not mean we should let those issues off the table.

A few quick updates and I'll finish up today. I would just like to commend the chairperson for making the necessary changes in her approach to her position that have allowed the senate to do better as compared to last semester by a substantial amount. Also, there is a reason that SGA has committees, and sub-committees. They take the major leg work from the SGA so that they do not have to do it themselves, and be less productive. It works in Congress, it should work in SGA. If a piece of work comes out of a committee you should bet that there was a lot of work put into it. Lastly, a strong piece of advice. Get all your affairs in order by 8:15 on Tuesday. Have something to eat, get some coffee, use the bathroom, return your texts. Your reason for wanting to go should not depend on your appetite. You have a duty to stay late if need be. Bring a snack. That meeting could have, and SHOULD have lasted longer. Be well and be safe. 1

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Catching Lightning in a Bottle

Sometimes you can work and train and sweat and bleed for something so badly and never quite reach it. And sometimes that very same thing will fall into your lap with just a little bit of luck. That is where my thought process is right now in regards to the student body and their representative body. I look at the student leaders, not just in SGA, but around campus and look at how hard they work and the time and energy they put in, and how sometimes it yields little results. And then take an activist like myself who hits a few key strokes and suddenly people are mobilizing, debate is ensuing, and the campus is stirring. What is it about a blog that can get people so rilled up?

To me the phrase "catching lightning in a bottle" relates specifically to student government and their approach to getting the students at large to participate. I think interest and involvement is at its peak when times are at their worst. Take for instance the race based incidents that happened a few years ago. Students began organizing more efficiently, getting involved with student government and trying to resolve the issues. These are the times that SGA is needed most, and to their credit they have mostly been able to rise to the occasion and address student concerns. But it is the down times when students get too lazy, stop caring, and do not put in the necessary effort. There is no greater example of this that than the fall semester. This downturn lead to other missteps (within the meetings themselves) and eventually gave creation to an underground watchdog machine.

What I am trying to question is: does SGA need a massive incident to get itself going? Or is it capable of reaching the student body and efficiently dealing with issues without an incident? I honestly do not know the answer to that question. Through my observations, and limited research, I would say that the SGA is incapable of making a difference without some sort of catastrophe (a lightning bolt). I could be dead wrong, and I would encourage dissenters to challenge me. But I feel that student government needs a bolt of lightning to get its behind in gears.

Now can that body generate the lightning itself? That remains to be seen. I believe yes. I believe that if the E-board wanted to take action on something, or if a group or the entire senate rallied behind something, that the aftereffects would be tremendous. The question is; why haven't they yet? Surely it is not for lack of issues. I have compiled a decent list through my entries, and we could even take some advice from 'Thomas Paine' and develop a list of complaints to nail on someones door. But no one has yet. The first step in this process must be a realization within the organization of the power the students possess.

Students in the 1960's realized it and were able to challenge lots of things. The SGA needs a refresher course in ACTIVISM. Sending resolutions to the administration regarding issues is only a baby step (and one that the SGA has barely taken this year) having open conversations with administration leaders about topics and questioning why they do not favor students more. Drastic demonstrations are also a viable option. I would not be totally against nailing a list of grievances to the door of President Rochon, and sending copies to the ITHACAN and the Ithaca Times. WHY NOT?! If Provost Roundtree does not respect our VP of Academics then we should stand up and say something about it. They need to pay attention to us. What did Terry say to the senate last week? That Ithaca was in a better financial state than many universities because IC does not rely on endowment as much as tuition. THEY NEED US! Do not tell me that we are doing all we can, and that we do not have the power to initiate change. I call bull shit. We are the machine that runs this place, and if the students don't realize this then they only have themselves to blame. That's it for now. My vocal chords are strained from all the caps lock I was typing. Be well and be safe. 1

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Questioning Their Own Existance

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If an organization meets and no one cares, does it still matter? That might have been the general feeling in the Taughannock Falls meeting room last night as the SGA reconvened for the first meeting of the Spring semester. A few senators openly questioned their involvement in the group and if any of their time they have given here has meant anything. "What have I actually done?" Its a legitimate question, and one that the SGA may grapple for some time to come. From my observation there was a lot of open discussion in that general meeting, and students seemed energized by the blog and how it seems to openly the floodgates to actual constructive dialog. For those that are satisfied with their doings, and feel complacent, I would like to know if you are still going to feel the same when change arrives, and people start flying by you in productivity.

There was a ton of discussion about these entries and I just wanted to clear a few things up. "I am no Obama." First and foremost. I am not here to stand on a pulpit and to be followed and to get elected. I am simply trying to bring to light certain issues, and inspire people to think critically of themselves and their community. Not surface responses but digging into that part of the brain that would rather not touch controversial issues/thoughts with a 60 ft pole. "I am more like Martin Luther", in the sense that I have a list of general complaints about the establishment and I intend to nail that list to the proverbial front door (but not the real meeting door, because I'd get in a bit of trouble). I do not have to take the reigns and see the change through, but I can damn sure blow the whistle when I find something that is wrong.

My true belief is that one day this SGA will not need a ICWatchdog, and will be running so smoothly that I will not have to do this. But I am sure even if that were to happen, someone else with entirely different principles would arrive to change them back to something else. I do not write this blog maliciously, or with ill will. Only with the hope that this year and next year I can provide some insight to what is going on to people who do not attend meetings, and provide some criticism for those who do.

Onto other topics... It seems as if President Rochon will finally be around this month to introduce himself to the elected student leaders of Ithaca College. If you have any questions for him to answer during the meeting, please post them as a comment. Don't be shy. He has been quiet around campus so far, and I for one would like to know what plans he has for us.

The SGA will once again attempt to take a stab at the shuttle system. I believe most students would like the system, but there is a deep flaw. Everytime the system is proposed, the person who heads the project begins by attempting the re-invent the wheel. They always start from the beginning, and the last two (Former SGA president Aaron Bloom and current E-board member Jeff Goodwin) are attempting to complete the proposal by themselves. What makes more sense; getting something accomplished throughout the semester by yourself in an independent study program, or getting a rather large group (committee??) together, to do the heavy lifting and actually accomplish the project before May 17th? I don't know, maybe I AM JUST INSANE...

I am not going to go into length about the budget in this entry. All you need to know is that the SGA started the academic school year with about $400,000 left in the budget and as of Tuesday that number was down to approximately $21,000. (I'll let that one sink in for a moment). I think it is time the budget committee opens up its book for a serious housecleaning and overhaul. All records need to be placed online, dating back to as far as they can, as well as making all future allocations available immediately online, for all to see. The word is TRANSPARENCY. Something completely lacking in SGA.

One meeting down, and lots of work ahead. Will SGA members continue to question their own existence as a body, or will they take the reigns of their destiny and make a difference? I do not have anything close that might resemble an answer. I am just a watchdog. Be well and be safe. 1

Friday, January 23, 2009

The ITHACAN 1/22

Ithaca College Watchdog... Not SGA Watchdog... I am not sure how it happened, but this blog kind of got pigeoned toed as only pertaining to matters of the SGA, which was not the original intention. All aspects of Ithaca College are eligible topics, just depending on their importance. I do hope to have a weekly post about the new Ithacan's. This campus seems fascinated with the new issue coming out on Thursdays, but I do not think enough people analyze the paper in its entirety. Why should The Ithacan not be put under a microscope and have to be held to some level of accountability? So in this space I will go through certain article in the paper and even sometimes discuss the paper in it's whole.

So other than the paper pages being out of order (we need to get on that people) and the 17 advertisements for the Ithacan itself (OK really only 4, but they were huge), the paper was decent this week. The Obama and MLK articles were well written and interesting. Why though does every Ithacan article attempt to sound as if it is trying to be an entry in some journalism award class? Why can't everyone once in awhile get a gritty hard dug reported story, that actually shows the work put in by the author? Sometimes we need my NY Daily News than NY Times.

For instance the prisoner article "Cornell Offers local prisoners opportunity to earn degrees". It is a nice piece about a new program being offered. But it is written as if this is groundbreaking, and never been accomplished before. When in reality prisons and universities have had this arrangement for decades. And with the advent of online universities such as Phoenix University, the process has become even more widely available. So why not mention the history of this practice? Or talk to someone in the administration here at IC to see if they are interrested in something like this? Or maybe get some stats supporting the claim that education helps inmates stay out of prison. Just some suggestions.

Next up is the commercial, I mean article for ALS, "Winter Wonderland Ball to return with elegance."
Now I am all for the article writing puff pieces for events going on campus, because it gives a bigger spotlight, and hopefully more people will attend. Especially, when it is an IC organization throwing the event, targeted to IC students. But enough with half-truth stories, and fluffing material that does not need to be fluffed. They started off good talking about how the date needed to be changed to incorporate more people, but then dropped the ball when talking about cutting of the signature highlight, the musical showcase. Now wouldn't a cut like that deserve some extra reporting? "For the First time, ALS will be the only sponsor of the ball..." Okay now tell me why? Did the other groups that used to help not want to anymore; was there a fallout; was the event unprofitable, not fun, WHY?! Maybe that was the reason they had the cut the music acts, or maybe because SGA could not fund them adequately enough? The public won't know, because The Ithacan did not want to ask those questions.

And finally, yes the SGA article "SGA looks to increase campus presence for spring" of pure Fluff). Okay so it talks about the budget situation, and how SGA needed to give 4 percent back to the school. Yup all true. But reading it, it seems that is the main reason for the budget shortfall. But is that truely the case? There are other considerations too... Maybe because the budget comm gave away money it should not have. Or because they did not conserve money in the Fall. The next part of the article is mind-boggling. "For the first time, SGA will sponsor the college's 2009 fashion show March 31 in Emerson Suites." Okay now here is the tricky part for the Ithacan. Can you connect the budget shortfall with spending new money on a fashion show. Uh oh... I think that was journalism right there. So Office of Academic Affairs dropped the show last year because it was not worth the money and the effort to put it on, and SGA, in a recession, decided to add this to their budget; and on top of that they want to deny organizations money and blame the budget on cutbacks. My head won't stop spinning.
This community needs more people looking around, asking questions, asking why people are doing things a certain way. If SGA had more people looking into exactly what they are doing, instead of just giving a couple quick interviews to get a nice fluff piece out, maybe readers would discover some truth. The Ithacan is supposed to be that journalism high bar, but too many times they fail to really inform, but rather mislead. I'm done for now. I may need to look through some old Ithacan's for traces of actual journalism. Be well and be safe. 1

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Enough Said...

May we all find inspiration...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Chasing the White Rabbit

Its all funny to me. Your all just chasing the white rabbit trying to figure out who I might be. Its funny at what lengths people will go to avoid the issues and attempt to find me. You will chase your (cotton) tails in circles looking for me, as the next semester goes down the drain. Even more amazing is how fast you would turn on yourselves and try and implicate members. Conspiracy theories and random accusations will get you nowhere. So enjoy your trip down the rabbit hole and in the mean time I will let everyone know of whats REALLY going on in Ithaca. 1

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Looking Foward...

...To the Spring Semester. Being here for most of winter break, I have had time to dwell on the problems of the semester that past, and what is approaching in the next few months. There are many issues and events approaching in the coming months, and I will attempt to outline some of them in this entry. This is an extremely important time period for the SGA and I cannot stress this enough. With the majority of the senate being underclassmen, the group has an opportunity to set in motion great things to be had in the coming years. In meetings, the E-Board has raved about the work of the freshman senators, but this work must translate into tangible accomplishments to set up next year. It seems to be trying times for the current SGA, there has to be something to look forward to, especially if current members want to keep their seats, and not be beat out by challengers. Just like in actual politics, incumbents must prove to their constituents that they deserve their position, or otherwise lose the next election. Also, seniors must try to avoid complacency and lame-duck status, that could bring down the groups entire productivity.

So let's get into the crystal ball and look what is coming for this semester:
1) the BUDGET!

Maybe the single most important issue of the year. Everywhere you here about the global financial crisis, and the recession, and now that has reached the doorstep of the SGA. Like many organizations we are facing a budget crisis, and are going to run out of money very quickly this year. The SGA was caught completely off-guard about this. While the rest of the country was dealing with financial turmoil, the VP of Budget and Finance and the rest of the e-board did not take precautionary measures to scale back the budget, or allocate less. In fact the SGA gave away money to groups that they shouldn't have a few times in the fall, further hurting the budget situation. BUT, that VP is now on study abroad and the SGA is forced to break in a new VP of B & F. I ask the question, can the new VP plug the holes up before SGA capsizes? And by that I think the student population would like to know the plans of the newbie as he takes the reigns in an organization with a tremendous budget shortfall. What will be his actions when an established student group comes to ask for a reasonably budget request and they are denied? Will students begin revolting, because the SGA cannot fund them anymore? All the while some organization had the benefit of receiving funds they were not entitled too. Especially, since this new VP was partly responsible for that in the first place. All I know is that the new VP will be on a short leash with his decisions as the student body president has already expressed interest in taking further control in this department anyway. But its the most important issue to look forward to in spring '09.

2) Communication

Speaking of our newly elected VP's, we also have one for Communication. Looking forward SGA must wonder how will he fare in his new position. The group elected an relative outsider to the group (in contrast to the other candidates) and I must ask, will this work out? Will he express an outside opinion, will he fall in line with the rest of the E-board, or possibly become a 'maverick' and do his own thing? His messages are already beginning to be received by the students, but will it continue, or could he be effectively silenced by the E-board if he gets too far out of line? 20 something pairs of eyes will be watching these new 'outsiders' constantly (or at least for the first few meetings).

3) Senate Discussions

Will the senate finally discuss something of importance?!?!?! No more chalking. No more ITS. At the first meeting, a senator NEEDS to make a motion to use discussion time for a SERIOUS ISSUE! It does not matter if it is not the most pressing matter at hand that day. It only matters that the body does something of merit with the valuable time they have together. It does not matter the way they do it, only that it is an open and honest discussion of relative importance, and a creative brainstorming session about what to do next.

Here is a list of possible issues that can be discussed at any time, in any capacity.

A) Rising tuition- It is the responsibility of the student government to discuss rising tuition, and a lack of increase in the overall student experience. I am going to have pay more next year than this year, and yet my student funds were cut lower, and my college life has dramatically suffered. To the average student...THAT AIN'T RIGHT! It would nice if SGA could devote some precious time to that issue.

B)Shuttle System - No progress since President Aaron Bloom graduated. It was a majority priority of the Reconstruction Team, and not a word since they graduated on progress. Come on already. This needs a specific committee and it needs to happen rapidly. The term shuttle system is starting to become on par with other terms such as: 'Chinese Democracy', 'Detox', World Peace and Pipe Dream.

C) New Administration - No united communication with President Rochon yet huh? Well nice to see he cares about SGA. Peggy Williams at least gave a state of the college address once a semester, but I am sure he's busy with other things. Maybe he hasn't give SGA the light of day, because the group has not given him any reason to do so. I am sure if the SGA did something controversial, say write a strong declaration for lower tuition, it would certainly get his attention. Until that time the senate will be forced to have third party communication with him through the SGA President. The senate needs to know however. They need to know is Rochon would like them to do anything (besides the stellar work so far) or do MORE in the eyes of the current administration. Does Rochon have a plan for SGA? Is he going to come in one day we massive changes for us to adopt? What about the state of our strategic plan (whatever that is) compared to IC's strat plan?

E) Support for Faculty and Staff - There were a series of email in the Ithacan last semester about a faculty being denied tenure and possibly for controversial reasons. Now I am not saying that we should have started a protest or anything like that. But would it have killed us to set aside some time for something like this. Instead of messing around, or getting ancy to leave early we should consider such issues, and whether the SGA has a formal opinion on any of it.

Any minuscule issue can be transformed into a serious discussion. A question about whether Public Safety unfairly targets students, especially minorities could be an all night affair, but we refuse to acknowledge it. Time for a change people. And the time comes directly after MLK Jr. Day. I am just saying... Be well and be safe. 1

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Introducing a little ANARCHY...

"Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just... do things."

One little blog creating such a big stir. Who would have thunk it? And to think it is only break still... can you imagine what's going to happen once classes start up again? Anyway, for everyone who says that I am completely wrong, and that none of my points have merit, than why are E-board members sending out emails, agreeing with what I am saying? Or random IC students congratulating me on finally standing up and saying what everyone else on campus is thinking? Or even having E-board members take a chance and go off on their own feelings about the state of the SGA. This is not for the acclamation, but rather to get some dirt up in the air, and see where everything falls. I, along with countless others are sick and tired of the current state of affairs, with student government, and with student politics. Let's be completely honest; there has been more emotion and fire directed at this blog, then the entire semester at SGA. Think about that.

None of my comments are personal to any members, because on a personal level I respect them all. But I do not agree and am not satisfied with the work they are doing. Its nothing new. Politicians are constantly being criticised in the public eye, whether in newspapers, TV, or YES even blogs. Deal with it. If they were doing a better job, then something that I am doing would not be necessary. But if I have to be the bad guy...then so be it.

I want to take a minute an address the issue of volunteering. Yes, I agree that almost every member of the SGA has agreed to volunteered his/her time to the organization, to do something (one position is paid). However, the term volunteer is not a get out of jail pass to do whatever you like, or do as little as you feel in your position. You were ELECTED! You have a duty that takes precedent over any feeling of volunteering. This also means that members are to be held ACCOUNTABLE! There is no free passes. If you do not want to be apart of this, then resign and let someone else do something we your post, it is as simple as that... I'm sorry to be so harsh, but 'Good-bye'.

I also want to take a moment and commend the E-board for a moment. They have spent the first half of the semester really trying to eliminate the lingering stigma that SGA and its members are elitists or pompous or some sort of synonym to that. The problem persists however with certain members and it further leads to this image. If members can not even admit to themselves that there are certain problems, and that the body is not doing enough to address campus issues, then it is only adding to the problem.

Finally, to all my haters! Thank you for the kind words, and the interest into my real name. It is really wonderful. I wish I could, but I'd rather wait a bit. I assure you I do my little part in the grand scheme of things, and it context it is not necessary to tell everyone who I am. "You can focus on the individual all you want, but the issues are always more important." HaHa. Be well and be safe. 1

P.S. : "Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair!" HAHAHAHAHA

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Quick Word

I'll try to keep it short and sweet with this one. I know this blog has gotten some attention, and I have seen the comments and the response. That's all well and good and I am sure that was one of the goals of this whole thing. I want to build off some of the feedback, but it may be awhile, so try and be patient. Let me reiterate that I have no power to do anything. I am just one person expressing my right to an opinion and telling things the way I see them. I know other people may disagree and even express outrage and some of my comments, but that is just the way I feel. I could have had an affect in other ways, but doing this blog and stirring this stagnate pot was how I felt I could have had the biggest impact. With a new year, I hope the SGA becomes rejuvenated by this and takes the rest of the term to really make strong progress in all sectors of student life. So with that, a very Happy New Year everyone!! And look at for more Watchdog posts. Be well and be safe. 1

Friday, January 2, 2009

IC SGA Vol. 4 (E-Board part II)

"Why are you so paranoid? Don’t be so paranoid. Don’t be so... You worry 'bout the wrong things, The wrong things..." haha. Just chill everyone. The Watchdog is back ready to dispense with the truth. No more of this looking good for the general public garbage, if the SGA is going to improve at all then they must be completely honest with themselves and realize the faults of the Fall semester. Sure they have a nice new logo and website, and they threw on a couple of events. But the promises of last year and earlier this year are not being met. A new website is only as good as the amount of time updating it. Here's the link and someone tell me how many months ago the site was updated? (Although I am sure when some E-board members read this, there will be some sort of update. Well that is the point is it not!) When was the last senator event that was put on or reported? This column will begin a series of E-board member spotlights. While the SGA has been unassertive in providing senator and E-board member spotlights in publications such as the Ithaca, I will do it for them, and I have no intention of providing a sugar coating (image be damned!)

Lets start with the Vice President of Campus Affairs: If you were an outside observers to SGA this year and had no prior knowledge to the workings of the body or the constitution, you would
probably be very confused at the responsibilities of some of the E-board members. If you observed the VP of Campus Affairs position you would think that this positions job was to organize the pep rally...and then take the rest of the semester off! Talk about someone how has dropped the ball this year, this person has slept walked the SGA session since October. Now not to take a personal shot a fine individual, but at some point you will have to understand the magnitude of your position, the responsibilities you owe to the student body and the fact that you are falling far short of what you should be.

Why do the very least with your elected position? You are supposed to be in charge of the SGA Unity Council? Where has progress been on that this year? We know that was a product of an earlier administration, but that does not mean you should ignore it completely and promote your own agenda instead! Its a bad example when E-board members are more involved in their outside commitments than SGA and it shows that the Senate can follow suite. You know what, if any SGA member feels too bored or too involved in other ventures; then do the college a favor and tender your resignation!!! Members of the SGA and ESPECIALLY the Executive Board are supposed to be committed to this organization and improving upon it daily. Instead of promoting outside causes (which I am sure are very worthwhile) you should focus on what the senate could be doing or discussing to improve the college and the community.

There is just too much promise in this body to let it go to waste. Each senator and board member has a responsibility to truly commit to the cause or leave so someone else can. The VP of C.A.'s responsibilities are outlined in the Constitution and that person does not need me to remind him. What I do hope is that he reads this as his wake-up call to accomplish something before graduation.

Take this as my suggestion box note. Prepare better for meetings, with detailed reports relating to your office, your meetings, your groups. Initiate something, anything. Leave your mark with something worthwhile. Utilize the Unity Council! It is not as if racism or sexism were defeated on this campus. The Unity Council could be a worthwhile weapon in the fight against biases and discrimination. This is your wheelhouse, and the student body deserve your service. Become a watchdog yourself in the SGA. Make sure all of your colleagues are as focused as yourself. If not call them out. As an outsider I can only observe and recommend so much. It is up to the actual members to do the hard work.

The blog is way too despressing. I wish I could report on all the good work done within the SGA this year, or the progress they have made on some substancial issues. But I can't! In a year with a generation defining presidential election, the politics of the Ithaca College SGA has grown stale and uninspiring. Maybe the new year will bring some new enthusiasm. Maybe meetings will go as long as they need to, instead of how long the chairperson wants it to. Maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe. I believe in change. Does anyone else? Be safe and be well. 1