Friday, December 26, 2008

IC SGA Vol. 2

The backbone of the Ithaca College Student Govt is the Constitution. I do not claim to know the full history of that document, or can memorize each section as an outside observer, but as a student I expect every member to know the constitution backwards and forwards. Its not an absurd concept. If you run for student government, if you get elected, if you want to represent the rest of the student body, you need to know the constitution. Why is this relevant? Because it is evident that the senators and even certain executive board members DO NOT know the inner workings of that document. Rather they operate on a cookie cutter meeting setup, with no tangible progress. Members of Congress, their staff, and anyone hanging around must know the ins and outs of every line of the U.S. Constitution. Is it so much to ask, that the IC Student Govt members know the document they are supposed to uphold?

It is truly sad thing to consider. In 2004, the student government completely revamped their composition, changing from being representatives to senators, and added new positions. There was real enthusiasm for what was going on, and these students really cared about being apart of the SGA. In the years that followed the SGA had ups and downs, with some years great things got done, and others it seemed as if the E-board would destroy the whole operation. But this year has shown utter ambivalence. No One cares. Meetings go only as far as the attention spans of 27 (give or take) can take. But why? Why this year does no one care or nothing get done? Its multi faceted.

One major part is the whole committee system, one of the core systems of the SGA. Committee's do the leg work for SGA. Senators, e-board members, and students at large mix it up in different committees to get the grunt work done. The ideals behind the system are sound and have good intentions. A large group will have a difficult time discussing so many issues and planning events or debating campus problems. But split into smaller groups, and even some of them split into smaller subcommittees can accomplish even more, further lifting the burden off of the large group.

What happens however when no one committees the system, and it basically collapses underneath the nose of the entire e-board? Lets leave out Communications and Budget Committee because they probably deserve their own posts. Where has been the progress of the circle shuttle system been? Where has the sustainability issue progress too recently? Where is the SGA relationship with the President Rochon or even Provost Roundtree or any of the deans? (beside our SBPresident's relationship with them? There are dozens of issues that have gone unnoticed this year, and the SGA is OK to let this just fall by the waist side. There are senators who chair committees all by themselves. There are members in committees who have no clue what their group does, when they meet (if at all) and what to update the rest of the SGA about. It is sad really.

There are reports that during SGA meetings that committee updates last few moments and mostly consist of members saying that their group met or didn't and did not have anything pertinent to share. The reports go further and say that during open agenda it takes substantially longer for senators to share upcoming events for other causes and openly advertise to the group. It is sad. Gone seems the day when SGA meetings would last until nearly midnight, because that is how long it would take to go over all the issues, and engage in serious debate. There is no commitment and even when there are sparks of interest or passion on a subject, the timbers are quickly extinguished by the chairperson... in the interest of time. The most damaging statement that can be said during a meeting. Do you think Jefferson turned to Adams during the Constitutional Convention debate about the First Amendment and uttered that phrase and ended the debate? It is silly to even consider, but how many debates have been squelched because of that utterance is unknowable. It just goes to further the claim that no one gives a damn. There is more to say, but it will have to wait for another day (what a rhyme?) Be safe and be well. 1